
Our businesses:


Reports & presentations

Half-year report January-June 2024 will be published on 8 August, 2024

Invitation release Teleconference Webcast

Browse all Cargotec’s investor publications in this section. In case you need additional information, please contact Cargotec Investor Relations team.

IR Newsletter

This section contains Cargotec's IR newsletters, mainly published quarterly before the three-week silent period. You can find the most recent letter below.

Pre-silent newsletter Q2/2024 (10 July 2024)

As our silent period is about to start, we would like to highlight some of the most notable events of the first half of 2024. Cargotec's half year financial report January–June 2024 will be published on Thursday, 8 August 2024, and the silent period starts on Thursday, 18 July 2024.

Cargotec's financial information in 2024

Cargotec will disclose the following financial information in 2024:

  • Half year financial report January–June 2024, on Thursday, 8 August 2024
  • Interim report January–September 2024, on Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Partial demerger of Cargotec completed

The completion of the partial demerger of Cargotec Corporation and the incorporation of a new Kalmar Corporation was registered in the Finnish Trade Register on 30 June 2024. Cargotec's Annual General Meeting had resolved on the partial demerger of Cargotec in accordance with the demerger plan on 30 May 2024. In April 2023, Cargotec's Board of Directors had decided to investigate and initiate a process to separate Kalmar and Hiab into two standalone companies.

Trading in the Kalmar class B shares on Nasdaq Helsinki commenced on 1 July 2024. Trading in Cargotec’s class B shares has continued on Nasdaq Helsinki with a new ISIN code FI4000571013. The new ISIN code for Cargotec’s class A shares is FI4000571005.

More information about the demerger can be found here.

Cargotec's transformation process

As announced on 14 November 2022,  MacGregor will not be part of Cargotec’s portfolio in the future. Since then, as MacGregor’s performance and market conditions have improved, and as a dispute with a monopile installation vessel customer has been settled, Cargotec has decided to proceed with the sale process of MacGregor.

If a solution to MacGregor is found so that MacGregor would not thereafter be part of the Cargotec group, Cargotec’s Board of Directors is planning to propose to Cargotec’s General Meeting of shareholders that the company’s name would be changed from Cargotec to Hiab. Should such actions be carried out as planned in the leadership of the current President and CEO of Cargotec, Casimir Lindholm has announced his intention to step down as President and CEO at such point. The Board of Directors would then appoint the President of the Hiab business Scott Phillips as the President and CEO of the renamed company being the current Cargotec. Cargotec currently estimates that these changes to transform into standalone Hiab could take place during 2025. The current Cargotec CFO Mikko Puolakka would continue as CFO of standalone Hiab.

Cargotec updates its reporting structure due to the demerger, effective from 30 June 2024

As a result of the  the completion of the partial demerger of Cargotec Corporation, Cargotec has updated its segment reporting and from 30 June 2024 onwards Cargotec has two reporting segments, Hiab and MacGregor. The Kalmar segment has been removed. The new reporting structure will be used in Cargotec’s half-year financial report January–June 2024.

To provide a basis for comparison, Cargotec publishes its reclassified financial information of reportable segments and Corporate administration and support functions for all quarters of 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 separately, as well as for the full year 2023. Corporate administration and support functions now reflect continuing operations. Hiab and MacGregor financial information remains unchanged.

Additionally, Cargotec starts publishing a new alternative performance measure for its Hiab segment; Operative return on capital employed (Operative ROCE, defined as operating profit / operative capital employed, last 12 months). To provide a basis for comparison, Cargotec publishes Hiab’s operative ROCE for all quarters of 2023 and first quarter of 2024 separately.

The change in the reporting structure will not impact Cargotec’s outlook for 2024 which was updated on 26 June 2024:

Cargotec estimates*  Hiab’s comparable operating profit margin in 2024 to be above 12 percent and MacGregor’s comparable operating profit in 2024 to improve from 2023 (EUR 33 million).

* The business area 2024 profitability outlook is presented using the same principles which are applied in the 2023 external financial reporting.

Read more from the 3 July 2024 release

Hiab presented investment highlights at Cargotec's CMD

Cargotec's Capital Markets Day 2024 was held in Helsinki, Finland, on 28–29** May. Around 60 investors and analysts participated in the event, either on site or virtually. Cargotec's President and CEO Casimir Lindholm opened the event, summarising the latest development of Cargotec, including the partial demerger activities at that time.

Hiab's President Scott Phillips presented Hiab's investment highlights, elaborating on the main topics, which include #1 or #2 Position in all segmentsPositioned to grow faster than the marketProfitability upside, and Sustainable value creation.

Scott was followed Barry McGrane, SVP, Loader Cranes Light & Medium, Michael Bruninx, SVP, Service, and Magdalena Wojtowicz, SVP, Tail Lifts, who introduced the audience to their respective topics of Outperforming the market by focusing on growth in key segments and North AmericaDriving scalable service growth and customer engagement, and Unlocking productivity gains through Business Excellence.

CMD presentations and videos are available at the CMD page.

** The CMD second day focused on Kalmar. More information is available from

Hiab's new long term financial targets

In connection with the CMD, Cargotec published Hiab's new long term financial targets which are valid for Hiab to measure success by 2028:

  • Annual sales growth over seven percent over the cycle
  • Comparable operating profit 18 percent 1
  • Return on capital employed over 25 percent 2

1) as a business area of Cargotec
2) as a business area of Cargotec, defined as (Operating profit / Operative capital employed)

In addition to the Hiab-specific long term targets, Cargotec’s climate target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in all three emission scopes by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared to a 2019 baseline remains valid. 

Cargotec also aims for a growing dividend of 30–50 percent of EPS and to keep gearing below 50 percent. Read more about Hiab's financial targets from our 27 May release.


Have a look at the latest VARA consensus estimates from the link below.


Other Q2 releases

In July, Hiab launched  HIAB eX.HIPRO crane, featuring cutting edge technological advancements in load handling for energy efficiency, increased productivity and ease of use with minimal environmental impact. The new crane provides unprecedented efficiency with energy savings of up to 30%. The robust construction and superior quality components ensure long-lasting performance, backed by extensive warranties and a wide network of service support.

In June, Cargotec announced that it updates its 2024 outlook due to the completion of the Kalmar demerger. Cargotec estimates* Hiab’s comparable operating profit margin in 2024 to be above 12 percent and MacGregor’s comparable operating profit in 2024 to improve from 2023 (EUR 33 million).

In June, Hiab launched the WALTCO MDV liftgate series for speedy and hassle-free dock loading and distribution. Combined with intuitive controls for easy operations, the new liftgate series offers several sustainability advantages and safety features.

In June, Hiab announced the launch of MyHiab mobile app to improve operator productivity and safety. The digital companion provides features and content about Hiab equipment throughout its lifecycle. It also establishes a communication channel between Hiab and the end-users.

Cargotec's Annual General Meeting 2024 was held on 30 May 2024 in Helsinki, Finland. The AGM decided in line with the Board's proposals, including the partial demerger of Cargotec and the separate listing of Kalmar. In its organising meeting, the elected Board of Directors elected Ilkka Herlin as the Board Chair.

In May, Cargotec announced that MacGregor has settled the dispute it had related to one and only monopile installation vessel project. The settlement will have an approximately EUR 25 million negative impact on MacGregor’s second quarter 2024 operating profit. The costs will be reported as items affecting comparability as the costs are related to a one of its kind pilot project and the product is no longer in MacGregor’s sales portfolio.

In May, Hiab announced that it expands its spare parts offering so every customer finds a solution tailored to their needs, with the introduction of Red Parts and Exchange Parts to complement Original Parts.


Before the silent period: CFO Mikko Puolakka answers frequently asked questions

Cargotec hosted its Q2/2024 pre-silent call on 18 June 2024. In this video, Cargotec's CFO Mikko Puolakka answers the most frequent questions received from investors and analysts during the first half of 2024.

Meet us in 2024!

During the first half of 2024, road shows and investor conferences took us to Switzerland, France, England, Germany and Sweden, and we have also hosted investor visits and calls at our headquarters in Helsinki, Finland. We are also available for virtual and hybrid meetings and events.

An up-to-date listing of the conferences and events we participate in is available on our IR calendar. Please note though that the schedule is preliminary and subject to change. If you are interested to meet with us, please do not hesitate to contact Heidi at heidi.gustafsson(at) to agree on the details.

Take a look also at these contents

Check our IR blog section for interesting stories about various topics around our industry anc activities.

We maintain a list with all mergers and acquisitions as well as divestments on the Cargotec website Investors section - you can find the M&A history here.

Pre-silent newsletter Q1/2024 (9 April 2024)

As our silent period is about to start, we would like to highlight some of the most notable events of the first quarter of 2024. Cargotec’s Interim report January–March 2024 will be published on Tuesday, 30 April 2024, and the silent period starts on Tuesday, 9 April 2024.

Cargotec's financial information in 2024

Cargotec will disclose the following financial information in 2024:

  • Interim report January–March 2024, on Tuesday, 30 April 2024
  • Half year financial report January–June 2024, on Thursday, 8 August 2024
  • Interim report January–September 2024, on Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Cargotec's Financial Statements 2023 and Annual Report 2023 was published on 22 February 2024.

The Annual General Meeting of Cargotec Corporation will be held on Thursday, 30 May 2024.

Notice to Annual General Meeting.

Cargotec is planning a separation of Kalmar and Hiab

In April 2023, Cargotec announced that the Board of Directors of Cargotec has decided to investigate and initiate a process to potentially separate its core businesses Kalmar and Hiab into two standalone companies. In February 2024, Cargotec's Board of Directors approved a demerger plan concerning the separation of Kalmar into a new listed  company. 

Also in February, Cargotec announced that, as part of the planned separation of Kalmar by partial demerger, there will be changes in its leadership team:

Cargotec previously announced on 9 November 2023 that Sami Niiranen (M.Sc. Mining) was appointed as President of Kalmar and proposed as the new CEO of the potential standalone Kalmar. As announced on the 1 February 2024 release, on 1 April 2024 Sami Niiranen started as President of Kalmar and joined Cargotec’s Leadership team.

According to the same release, as part of the planned separation of Kalmar, Carina Geber-Teir has transitioned from her role as SVP Communications at Cargotec to assume the position of Head of Investor Relations, Communications and Marketing at Kalmar. From 1 April 2024 onwards Carina has joined Kalmar’s leadership team, and is no longer a member of the Cargotec Leadership Team. 

Save the date - Cargotec's Capital Markets Day

Cargotec’s two-day Capital Markets Day event will take place on 28–29 May 2024 in Helsinki, Finland. On 28 May, the focus is on Cargotec and Hiab while on 29 May, Kalmar will present itself in detail.

More information can be found on our website

Save the dates on your calendar and register for the event through this link.

Announced orders in Q1 2024

Date (booking quarter)8 April (Q1/24)
Business area: Kalmar
Description: Six Kalmar hybrid straddle carriers
Country/Customer: France/Med Europe Terminal
Value: Not disclosed (large order)

Date (booking quarter)3 April (Q1/24)
Business area: Hiab
Description: WALTCO tail lifts
Country/Customer: USA/a national discount retailer
Value: Large order of EUR 7 million

Date (booking quarter)27 March (Q1/24)
Business area: Hiab
Description: Loader cranes to be used in offshore wind turbines
Country/Customer: Not disclosed
Value: Large order of EUR 5 million

Date (booking quarter)7 March (Q1/24)
Business area: MacGregor
Description: A 100-tonne active heave-compensated (AHC) crane, a 20T Offshore crane and a 3T deck crane, and MacGregor's OnWatch solution, including 24/7 technical service support worldwide
Country/Customer: Norway/VARD
Value: Not disclosed (large order)

Date (booking quarter)5 March (Q1/24)
Business area: Kalmar
Description: Two new electric AutoStrads™, retrofitting of two existing hybrid straddle carriers
Country/Customer: USA/APM Terminals
Value: Not disclosed (large order)

Date (booking quarter)21 February (Q1/24)
Business area: Kalmar
Description: Two fully electric and eight hybrid straddle carriers
Country/Customer: The Netherland/Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam
Value: Not disclosed (significant order)

All announced orders

Other releases from Q1

In April, Cargotec announced restated financial information for 2023 due to the proposed demerger, and Kalmar business area is presented as discontinued operations. Under IFRS 5, the result from discontinued operations is reported separately from continuing operations’ income and expenses in the consolidated statement of income.

In April, Cargotec announced that the public prosecutor has decided to press charges against Tapio Kolunsarka, a member of the Board of Directors of Cargotec, in a criminal matter concerning certain Ramirent Plc’s disclosures as a listed company. Tapio Kolunsarka acted as the Managing Director of Ramirent Plc during the period referred to in the charges in 2019. According to information received by Cargotec, Tapio Kolunsarka denies any involvement in criminal activity. Cargotec is not a party to the matter. The charges do not affect the work of the Cargotec Board of Directors.

In March, Cargotec announced the Board of Directors had decided on a direct share issue related to the reward payments for share-based incentive programmes. 172,993 own class B shares held by the company were transferred without consideration to the key employees participating in the share-based incentive programmes. After the transfer of shares, Cargotec holds a total of 384,050 own class B shares.

In March, Hiab announced that they have launched a new eco-friendly crane solution – the HIAB wspr. This new line of emission-free, electric-hybrid cranes combine clean operation with a space-saving design. 

In March, Kalmar announced that they have signed a joint development agreement for autonomous terminal tractor solutions with Forterra (formerly RRAI). Kalmar will be responsible for developing the automation-ready terminal tractor – including the drive-by-wire solution integration – as well as the Kalmar One fleet management system to manage the operation of automated terminal tractor fleets. Forterra will be responsible for the integration of their AutoDrive platform for autonomous operations for the terminal tractor.

In March, it was also announced that Kalmar was awarded ISO 27001 certification for its Information Security Management System (ISMS). The certification process was completed during 2023 by Cargotec’s Information Security team and the certification was confirmed in December 2023. ISO 27001 is the world's best-known standard for ISMSs and defines requirements that these systems must meet.

In February, Cargotec announced that the Board of Directors has decided to exercise the authorisation of the Annual General Meeting on 23 March 2023 to repurchase the company's own shares. Later in March, Cargotec announced that it has completed share repurchases and repurchased 150,000 own class B shares. After the repurchase Cargotec held a total of 557,043 shares including the shares repurchased.

In February, Cargotec announced that it commences written procedures to solicit consents, waivers and decisions to amend the terms and conditions of its senior unsecured notes due 2025 and 2026. In February, it was later announced that the procedures yielded successful results after the approval was secured from a majority of participating noteholders. The consents and waivers became effective immediately upon approval in the written procedures, and the amendments will become effective at the completion of the demerger, expected to take place on 30 June 2024.

All releases

Before the silent period: CFO Mikko Puolakka answers frequently asked questions

Cargotec hosted its Q1/2024 pre-silent call on 8 April 2024. In this video, Cargotec's CFO Mikko Puolakka answers the most frequent questions received from investors and analysts during the first quarter of 2024.

Meet us in 2024!

During the first quarter, road shows and investor conferences took us to Switzerland, France, England and Sweden, and we have also hosted investor visits and calls at our headquarters in Helsinki, Finland. We are also available for virtual and hybrid meetings and events.

An up-to-date listing of the conferences and events we participate in is available on our IR calendar. Please note though that the schedule is preliminary and subject to change. If you are interested to meet with us, please do not hesitate to contact Heidi at heidi.gustafsson(at) to agree on the details.

IR calendar on the Cargotec website

Take a look also at these contents

You can follow Cargotec investor-related and other news also in Instagram. Be sure to go to @cargotecglobal and subscribe!

Check our IR blog section for interesting stories about various topics around our industry and activities.

We maintain a list with all mergers and acquisitions as well as divestments on the Cargotec website Investors section - you can find the M&A history here


Have a look at the latest VARA consensus estimates.

2020 pre-silent newsletters

Q4/2020 pre-silent newsletter

The fourth quarter of 2020 is behind us, and we would like to remind you of some of the quarter's most important events. Cargotec’s Financial Statements review 2020 will be published on Thursday, 4 February 2021, and the silent period will commence on Thursday, 14 January 2021. If you would like to book a call with us before our silent period, please contact Tiina (

Cargotec’s financial information in 2021

Cargotec Corporation will disclose the following financial information in 2021:

  • Financial Statements review 2020, on Thursday, 4 February 2021
  • Interim report January-March 2021, on Wednesday, 28 April 2021
  • Half year financial report January-June 2021, on Wednesday, 28 July 2021
  • Interim report January-September 2021, on Thursday, 28 October 2021

Cargotec's Financial Statements 2020 and Annual Report 2020 will be available at on week 8.

The Annual General Meeting of Cargotec Corporation will be held on Tuesday, 23 March 2021.

Orders announced in Q4/2020

Date (and booking quarter) Business area Description Country/ Customer Value
7 January 2021 (Q4/2020) Kalmar 6 hybrid RTGs equipped with a suite of Kalmar SmartPort process automation solutions and a two-year M&S Services agreement for the Kalmar SmartPort software USA/Total Terminals International, LLC EUR 11 million
4 January 2021 (Q4/2020) Kalmar 42 next-generation electric (NGE) straddle carriers USA/Maher Terminals LLC Not disclosed
17 December (Q4/20) Kalmar Approximately 400 terminal tractors Not disclosed Over EUR 30 million
16 November (Q4/20) Kalmar six-year Kalmar Care service agreement covering the supply of maintenance support personnel North Ireland/Belfast Container Terminal Ltd. Not disclosed

All announced orders

Other announcements

On 18 December, Cargotec’s Extraordinary General Meeting resolved to approve the merger of Cargotec and Konecranes and the resolutions relating to the merger proposed to the general meeting. See below for more information about the merger.

On 3 December, we announced that Cargotec the Board of Directors has decided to initiate the actual sales process of Navis. We had earlier announced that we are evaluating the strategic options of Navis, which would include new ownership structures or a potential sale of Navis software business.

Also on 3 December, we announced that the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority has approved the merger prospectus concerning the combination of Cargotec and Konecranes.

On 28 October, we announced that the Board of Directors has decided to establish a new share-based incentive programme for the Group key employees. The new Restricted Share Unit Programme 2020 is intended to function as a bridge programme for the transition period before the closing of the Transaction and forming the combined company in the merger.

On 9 October, we announced that the judicial process concerning Cargotec has been completed in the US. The claim was based on Cargotec allegedly having breached confidentiality obligations related to the negotiations. On 2 October 2020, the Supreme Court of Texas denied Cargotec’s opponent’s Petition for Review.

On 1 October, we announced that Cargotec's and Konecranes' respective Boards of Directors had signed a combination agreement and a merger plan to combine the two companies through a merger. More information about the merger.

Read about our strategy progress in 2020

Our current strategy period runs until end-2021. We have made good progress in services, digitalisation and productivity. The importance of sustainability continues to increase. Read about how our strategy progressed during 2020. Watch a video about the strategy progress in 2020.

Analyst calls held during Q4

On 8 December, we held a virtual sell side analyst call. In the call, Cargotec's CEO Mika Vehviläinen discussed Cargotec's and Konecranes' 1 October announcement and answered the participants' questions, among others.

Analyst call presentation (EGM material)

Investor activities and events during Q4 2020

During Q4, our investor meetings have been virtual meetings where we have convened online and shared material virtually. Even though we miss meeting you in person and having informal discussions on the road, according to your feedback and participation the virtual meetings have worked well, and we thank you for your support and cooperation.

While the coronavirus situation prevails, we continue with high safety standards, following the regulatory travel and social restrictions.

Visit the IR calendar section on the Cargotec website for more information about upcoming and past events.

Have a look at our videos

We created several videos during the quarter, and focused particularly on MacGregor.

  • Have a look at how MacGregor's TTS integration process has proceeded and what are its main learnings.
  • MacGregor has been investing in applying its offshore technology knowledge into enabling the progression of renewable energy. See the video about the progress.
  • Another offshore wind business video can be found here: our IR Director Aki Vesikallio interviews MacGregor's Jane Chen and Leif Byström.
  • Have a look at the strategy progress video which was also created during the quarter.

Take a look at these contents on our website

Cargotec maintains a list with all mergers and acquisitions as well as divestments on the investor webpage - take a look at it here.

Cargotec’s investor relations offers a podcast channel in Finnish and English, listen to it here. Both Finnish and English podcasts are also available on iTunes.


Take a look at the latest Vara consensus estimates.

Q3/2020 pre-silent newsletter

The third quarter of 2020 is soon ending, and we would like to remind you of some of the quarter's most important events. Cargotec’s January–September 2020 interim report will be published on Thursday, 22 October 2020, and the silent period will commence on Thursday, 1 October 2020. If you would like to book a call with us before our silent period, please contact Tiina (

Cargotec’s financial information in 2020

Cargotec Corporation will disclose the following financial information in 2020:

  • Interim report January-September 2020, on Thursday, 22 October 2020

Orders announced in Q3/2020

Date (and booking quarter) Business area Description Country/ Customer Value
14 September (Q3/2020) MacGregor two new orders, one for two RoPAX ferries and another for a group of linkspans Asia (RoPAX), Scandinavia (linkspans) EUR 13 million
3 September (Q3/2020) Kalmar Three Kalmar rubber-tyred gantry (RTG) cranes Morocco/Marsa Maroc Not disclosed
1 September (Q3/20) Kalmar 20 Kalmar Hybrid Shuttle Carriers USA/The Port of Virginia Not disclosed
28 August (Q3/20) Kalmar Four SmartPower Rubber-Tyred Gantry (RTG) Cranes Cambodia/Phnom Penh Autonomous Port (PPAP) Not disclosed
27 August (Q3/20) MacGregor A significant order, the largest single vessel contract secured to date by MacGregor, for delivery of the mission-critical system to be installed on the OHT offshore wind foundation installation vessel, Alfa Lift OHT Not disclosed
13 August (Q3/20) MacGregor Two orders to provide full hardware supply including ramps and lifting platforms for two RoPax vessels and two material supply vessels Japan EUR 18 million
23 July (Q3/20) Kalmar Two Zero Emission rubber-tyred gantry cranes (RTGs) and Kalmar SmartPort solutions (part of Kalmar One automation system) Turkey/Safi Derince International Port Not disclosed

All announced orders

Other announcements

On 1 October, we announced that Cargotec's and Konecranes's respective Boards of Directors have on that day signed a combination agreement and a merger plan to combine the two companies through a merger.

Also on 1 October, we announced that Cargotec has decided to continue to evaluate strategic alternatives for its Navis business to identify the best options to support future development of Navis.

On 15 September, we announced that our third quarter 2020 would be better than expected. We estimate that orders received and comparable operating profit are to increase compared to the second quarter 2020.

On 25 August, we announced that Cargotec's Board of Directors has decided on the second instalment of the dividend based on the authorisation granted to the Board by the Annual General Meeting. The second instalment of the dividend distribution is a dividend of EUR 0.60 for each of class A shares and a dividend of EUR 0.60 for each of class B shares outstanding. The second instalment payment date was 3 September 2020.

Let's talk about climate

Cargotec has set ambitious science-based greenhouse gas emission reduction targets to address the impacts of both its own operations and the chain. In May, we announced our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact’s Business Ambition for 1.5°C to pursue science-based measures to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. In August, the targets were approved by the Science Based Targets initiative.

Analyst calls held during Q3

On 15 September, we held a virtual analyst call with 15 analysts participating over the web. In the call, Cargotec's CEO Mika Vehviläinen discussed Cargotec's 15 September announcement, business development and financial position, and answered the participants' questions, among others.

Sell-side analyst call presentation

Investor activities and events during Q3 2020

During the Q3, our investor meetings have been virtual meetings where we have convened online and shared material virtually. Even though we miss meeting you in person and having informal discussions on the road, according to your feedback and participation the virtual meetings have worked well, and we thank you for your support and cooperation.

While the coronavirus situation prevails, we continue with high safety standards, following the regulatory travel and social restrictions. Depending on the development of pandemia and safety requirements in Q4, we can also consider opportunities to host even face-to-face meetings in Helsinki, Finland.

Visit the IR calendar section on the Cargotec website for more information about upcoming and past events.

Take a look at these contents on our website

Cargotec maintains a list with all mergers and acquisitions as well as divestments on the investor webpage - take a look at it here.

Cargotec’s investor relations offers a podcast channel in Finnish and English, listen to it here. Both Finnish and English podcasts are also available on iTunes.


Take a look at the latest Vara consensus estimates.

Q2/2020 pre-silent newsletter

The second quarter of 2020 is soon ending, and we would like to remind you of some of the quarter's most important events. Cargotec’s January–June 2020 interim report will be published on Friday, 17 July 2020, and the silent period will commence on Friday, 26 June 2020. If you would like to book a call with us before our silent period, please contact Tiina (

Cargotec’s financial information in 2020

Cargotec Corporation will disclose the following financial information in 2020:

  • Half year financial report January-June 2020, on Friday, 17 July 2020
  • Interim report January-September 2020, on Thursday, 22 October 2020

Orders announced in Q2/2020

Date (and booking quarter) Business area Description Country/ Customer Value
4 June (Q2/20) Kalmar Three Kalmar Zero Emission rubber-tyred gantry (RTG) cranes Brazil/Klabin Not disclosed

All announced orders

Cargotec’s Annual General Meeting

Cargotec’s Annual General Meeting was held on 27 May 2020 in Helsinki, Finland. Due to coronavirus pandemic restrictions, shareholders were advised not to participate in the meeting in person, but to follow it via the video presentation. In his presentation, Cargotec’s CEO Mika Vehviläinen concentrated on Cargotec’s financial results in 2019, company performance during the first quarter of 2020, and Cargotec’s Climate Ambition.

Watch the video - Chairman of the Board at the 2020 AGM

Watch the video - CEO review at the 2020 AGM

Read our CEO's blog about climate change

On 27 May, we announced our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact’s Business Ambition for 1.5°C (see below for more information). In his recent blog, Cargotec's CEO Mika Vehviläinen writes about his concerns about what kind of world we leave for our children and their children. Even when climate change represents a significant business opportunity for us in Cargotec, "we have an opportunity - an obligation - to serve our customers with solutions that enable us to live in a better world."

Sell-side analyst call held in early June

On 9 June, we held a virtual sell-side analyst call with 14 analysts participating over the web. In the call, Cargotec's CEO Mika Vehviläinen went through the corona virus impact on our business, our financial position, the latest development on sustainability (see below for more information), among others.

Sell-side analyst call presentation

Additional announcements during Q2 2020

On 3 June, Kalmar and MacGregor announced their participation in AEGIS, a three-year project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme. The AEGIS project aims to integrate smaller ships, inland transport and short-sea shipping with larger terminals to create a completely new European transport system (AEGIS stands for Advanced, Efficient and Green Intermodal Systems).

On 2 June, we announced the completion of the sale of the share of the joint venture Rainbow-Cargotec Industries Co., Ltd (RCI) in China. As part of the agreement, Cargotec acquired certain operations and assets of the joint venture from Jiangsu Rainbow Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (RHI), and ca. 160 employees have moved over from RCI to Kalmar.

On 27 May, we announced our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact’s Business Ambition for 1.5°C, joining leading companies in a promise to pursue science-based measures to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. By making this commitment, Cargotec strives to mitigate climate change through making the logistics industry more efficient and in developing solutions to enable a low-carbon economy.

Investor activities and events during Q2 2020

Safety is important to all of us, and during the coronavirus crisis we have strictly complied with regulatory travel and social restrictions. With this in mind, our investor meetings are now virtual meetings, where we share material via Google Meet.

During Q2 2020, Cargotec's Investor Relations held many virtual roadshows over the web, and we will continue to offer those in the future as well.

Visit the IR calendar section on the Cargotec website for more information about upcoming and past events.

Send us questions!

What would you like to ask about Cargotec as an investment? Cargotec's IR team is looking for questions especially from investors and analysts for our next IR blog Q&A. Send your questions via our web form

Take a look at these contents on our website

Cargotec maintains a list with all mergers and acquisitions as well as divestments on the investor webpage - take a look at it here.

Cargotec’s investor relations offers a podcast channel in Finnish and English, listen to it here. Both Finnish and English podcasts are also available on iTunes.


Take a look at the latest Vara consensus estimates.

Q1/2020 pre-silent newsletter

The first quarter of 2020 is soon ending, and we would like to remind you of some of the quarter's most important events. Cargotec’s January-March 2020 interim report will be published on Thursday, 23 April 2020, and the silent period will commence on Thursday, 2 April 2020. If you would like to book a call with us before our silent period, please contact Tiina (

Cargotec’s financial information in 2020

Cargotec Corporation will disclose the following financial information in 2020:

  • Financial Statements review 2019, on Thursday, 6 February 2020
  • Interim report January-March 2020, on Thursday, 23 April 2020
  • Half year financial report January-June 2020, on Friday, 17 July 2020
  • Interim report January-September 2020, on Thursday, 22 October 2020

Orders announced in Q1/2020

Date (and booking quarter) Business area Description Country/ Customer Value
18 March (Q1/20) Kalmar Six Kalmar rubber-tyred gantry (RTG) cranes Tanzania/Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA) Not disclosed

All announced orders

Coronavirus: follow our blog

We have received several questions related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on the company. In this blog text we have collected some typical questions and provided answers to them. The most recent update is from 17 March 2020.

Coronavirus: Annual General Meeting cancelled

The Finnish Government announced in 16 March that public gatherings will be limited to a maximum of ten persons. Based on the development of the coronavirus situation and the Finnish Government announcement, we decided to cancel the 17 March 2020 Annual General Meeting.

Updates on the AGM situation will be available on our AGM pages, as well as on our news pages. Follow us on Twitter for latest information.

Let's meet online!

From now on, all our investor meetings are virtual meetings with a link to a Google Hangouts meeting. This way we can share also slides with you during the meeting. Safety is important to all of us.

What kind of information do you need?

What kind of information/content would you like us to produce to you? Send your comments and suggestions to We collect material and share them with you.

News about Navis

We announced in February that we will evaluate strategic alternatives for our Navis business to identify the best options to support its future development. To secure the best possible growth and value creation for the next development phase for Navis, we will review alternative development paths, including new ownership structures and a potential sale of Navis software business. Cargotec’s other software business will not be part of the evaluation.

We also announced that Navis entered into an agreement to acquire the assets of Biarri Rail from Australia. Biarri Rail is a global provider of planning and scheduling optimisation software for freight railroads. This supports Navis’s expansion into inland solutions.

Watch the video: CEO Mika Vehviläinen talks about the Navis evaluation

Cargotec's Annual Report 2019

Cargotec's annual report 2019 and financial statements for the financial year 1 January-31 December 2019 was published in February in English and Finnish. The annual report 2019 consists of the Annual review and the Financial review. In conjunction with the annual report we also published our GRI index for the year 2019.

Investor activities and events during Q1 2020

In February, Stefan Lampa, the head of Kalmar Mobile Solutions, met the investor community in Helsinki, Finland. Read how Stefan thinks the market will develop and how he sees the robotics and automation to boost the business forward. Watch Stefan's video interview from the same event.

During Q1 2020, Cargotec's Investor Relations held roadshows in London/UK and in Oslo/Norway. In Copenhagen/Denmark we participated in an investor conference. We also held several investor calls and organised sell-side breakfasts in Helsinki/Finland and in London.

Visit the IR calendar section on the Cargotec website for more information about upcoming and past events.

Take a look at these contents on our website

Cargotec maintains a list with all mergers and acquisitions as well as divestments on the investor webpage - take a look at it here.

Cargotec’s investor relations offers a podcast channel in Finnish and English, listen to it here. Both Finnish and English podcasts are also available on iTunes.

In a recent Cargotec IR blog entry we interviewed Jane Chen, VP Strategy and Head of China at MacGregor about MacGregor's near and long-term future.


Take a look at the latest Vara consensus estimates.

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