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Trade Press Release

Eight more ships boost MacGREGOR PCTC references


MacGREGOR to supply Japanese builder with RoRo equipment for 45 ships

Japan Shin Kurushima group has shown its confidence in MacGREGOR experience and know-how by signing a long-term agreement for design and supply of RoRo equipment

MacGREGOR new long-term agreement with Shin Kurushima group covers design and manufacture of cargo access equipment for 45 ships that will be built at the Toyohashi Shipbuilding and Shin Kurushima Dockyard belonging to the Group. The 4,000-unit to 6,500-unit size PCTCs will be deployed for both domestic Japanese owners as well as foreign account. The equipment will be delivered in 2007-2010.

MacGREGOR supply includes design and delivery of stern quarter ramp systems, side ramp systems, internal ramp/ramp covers and mobile deck lifters.

Long established customer contacts as well as close co-operation between MacGREGOR Japanese and Swedish personnel played an important role when securing the order, and will continue to do so during the execution phase, said Karl-Axel Persson, sales manager in MacGREGOR RoRo Ship Division.


For further information please contact:
Karl-Axel Persson, Sales Manager, RoRo Ship Division
Tel: +46 31 850 700 Fax: +46 31 428 825


MacGREGOR Group press office:
Mr Steve Labdon, MacGREGOR Group Media Representative
Tel: +44 (0)20 8364 1441 Fax: +44 (0)20 8364 1331

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