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Trade Press Release

MacGREGOR expands its Middle East service capabilities


New general manager for MacGREGOR RoRo Ship Division

Lars Brath has been appointed general manager of the RoRoShip Division within MacGREGOR and managing director of MacGREGOR (SWE) AB. Lars, 49, willtake up his position on 14 May, succeeding Claes Rudling who has been appointed executivevice president of the MacGREGOR Group AB.

Lars is presently head of the contract managementdepartment in the RoRo Ship Division.

Lars has an MSc degree in shipbuilding and navalarchitecture. He spent twelve years working for the shipbuilding and offshore industryfollowed by ten years in telecommunications and data communications. He left a position asdivision manager at Emil Lundgren AB to join MacGREGOR in the summer of 1999.


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