Cargotec is committed to respecting human rights and providing a safe, fair and ethical working environment and equal opportunities for its employees. We encourage our partners and suppliers to do the same.
The various locations at Cargotec – from an office environment to assembly facilities, service locations and various customer sites – pose different types of risks to our employees’ health and safety. We also impact people’s health and safety through our value chain when they, for example, operate our equipment. Keeping people safe has always been a top priority to us, and we continue to do our utmost to minimise and eliminate these risks.
With regular training and campaigns, we aim to minimise work-related injuries and accidents, as well as incidents in locations where our solutions are used. We work continuously towards zero accidents in all our operations and always prioritise safety - even with time, cost or customer pressure. The occupational health and safety management system ISO 45001 provides guidance and support in this work. In 2024, 71% of the assembly sites of Cargotec's continuin operations (Hiab) were ISO 45001 certified.
To ensure the health and safety of people throughout our value chain, we have related requirements for our suppliers and other business partners. These requirements are described in detail in our Business Partner Code of Conduct.
Our progress
Cargotec’s safety target for 2024 was replaced with business area-specific targets in Q1/2024. The target for Hiab was to achieve an industrial injury frequency rate (IIFR, number of injuries per million hours worked) of below 3.2. Hiab’s IIFR was 3.2 (2023: 3.2), meaning the target was achieved. The IIFR worsened at assembly sites to 4.2 (3.5) but improved at non-assembly sites to 2.0 (2.8).