
Our businesses:



By conducting business in an ethical manner, sourcing responsibly and proactively aligning our business with the principles of sustainable finance, we can contribute to stable societies, fair trade and the green transition.

Complying with ethical standards and applicable regulations is the starting point for all our actions and decisions at Cargotec. We operate in a complex global environment, and our industry is exposed to many ethics and compliance risks. With our strong governance practices and commitment to integrity, we can set the example for stakeholders throughout our value chain.

Our Code of Conduct sets the foundation for how business is done at Cargotec. We encourage everyone to discuss compliance concerns and to seek guidance when in doubt. 

Report your concerns through our SpeakUp line

Cargotec’s SpeakUp line provides an opportunity to report suspicions of misconduct: anything that is not in line with our company values and policies and/or may impact our company or a person’s life or health. It is an early warning system to reduce risks and an important tool in fostering high business ethics and maintaining customer and public confidence. 

To ensure anonymity, the SpeakUp line is hosted by an external partner called People in Touch. The reporting process is encrypted and all reports will be processed in confidence. Please note that in Portugal, Spain, Italy and Sweden there are restrictions related to reporting concerns stipulated in national legislation.

Submitting and following up on a report

You can submit your report by following the instructions on our SpeakUp line site. The report can be filed either orally or in writing. You do not need proof of your suspicions, but all reports must be made in good faith. You will remain anonymous throughout this dialogue. Within seven calendar days, we may post a response or follow-up question for you. All communication regarding your report takes place via the SpeakUp line.

Submit a report and follow up on your report here.

Thank you for making Cargotec the most trusted company in the industry.

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