
Our businesses:



By conducting business in an ethical manner, sourcing responsibly and proactively aligning our business with the principles of sustainable finance, we can contribute to stable societies, fair trade and the green transition.

Responsible sourcing

Cargotec works with thousands of suppliers. The biggest negative impacts in our supply chain stem from the production of steel, the extraction of raw materials and minerals as well as the use of hazardous substances in our products. Through our purchasing power, we can influence our suppliers and support them in improving their sustainability performance.

While our Business Partner Code of Conduct (BPCoC, see links in the sidebar) is designed to cover all partners, it focuses on our supply chain. The BPCoC has requirements for our partners related to, for example, health and safety, freedom of association as well as the prohibition of child and forced labour.

Our 2023 target for responsible sourcing is to have 90% of strategic suppliers complete our sustainability self-assessment and reach an improved combined average score (54% in 2022). The target was achieved with 90% strategic suppliers completing the assessment and achieving an overall score of 57%. For 2024, the target for the improved combined average score is 60% or above. 

For more information, see Responsible sourcing in our 2023 annual report. For more details on decarbonising our supply chain, see Climate change on this site or Climate and environment in the annual report. You can find Hiab's Conflict Mineral Reporting Template here.

If you are a supplier and looking for more information, see this introduction to responsible sourcing at Cargotec.

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